Does Invisalign Hurt? Understanding Discomfort and Pain Management

If you’re thinking about straightening your teeth, chances are you’ve come across Invisalign, an alternative to braces. Invisalign provides a comfortable and efficient method for achieving a smile without the inconvenience of metal wires and brackets. A common question that arises is; “Does Invisalign cause pain?” While it is known for being more comfortable than […]

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Does Invisalign Hurt? Understanding Discomfort and Pain Management

Does Invisalign Hurt? Understanding Discomfort and Pain Management

If you’re thinking about straightening your teeth, chances are you’ve come across Invisalign, an alternative to braces. Invisalign provides a comfortable and efficient method for achieving a smile without the inconvenience of metal wires and brackets. A common question that arises is; “Does Invisalign cause pain?” While it is known for being more comfortable than braces, some individuals may experience discomfort in the initial stages of treatment. This article will delve into the factors that may lead to discomfort during Invisalign treatment and offer tips on managing any pain.

Understanding How Invisalign Works

Invisalign is an approach to attaining teeth without the drawbacks associated with typical braces. By using a series of removable aligners, Invisalign gradually shifts teeth into their desired positions for optimal alignment.

These aligners are crafted from plastic that’s free of BPA. Each set is meticulously designed to fit your teeth at every stage of the treatment process. As you move forward with your treatment plan, you’ll switch to a set of aligners every one to two weeks. Each set applies pressure on your teeth to help guide them into alignment. This gradual shifting sensation adds to your comfort and helps you achieve a more precise smile. With Invisalign, the journey to a straighter smile is discreet and effective. 

Initial Discomfort: What to Expect

Initial Adjustment Period 

At the start of your Invisalign journey, it’s normal to feel some discomfort as your teeth begin to shift. This feeling is often described as pressure or tightness around your teeth and gums. You may also notice some jaw aches as your bite adapts to the alignment.

It’s important to understand that this discomfort indicates that the aligners are working correctly, gradually guiding your teeth into their desired positions. As you progress through treatment and switch aligners, you’ll likely find that any initial discomfort lessens over time, allowing you to confidently move towards a straighter smile.

Managing Discomfort Effectively 

Managing Discomfort Effectively

Tips for Everyday Comfort:

  1. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Regular brushing and flossing can help prevent irritation or discomfort.
  2. Soft Diet: Opt for softer foods when transitioning to new aligners to reduce pressure on your teeth and gums.
  3. Consistent Wear: It’s important to wear your Invisalign aligners for 20-22 hours a day as recommended. Consistent use helps your teeth adjust more smoothly, reducing any discomfort you might feel.

Tips for the Long Term;

  1. Remain on Schedule: Stick to your treatment plan and switch to new aligners as advised by your specialist to ensure steady progress and minimize any discomfort.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water and fluids during the day to keep your mouth hydrated and prevent dryness, which can lead to discomfort.
  3. Attend Regular Check-Ups: Make sure you attend all your scheduled appointments with your specialist for adjustments and progress checks so that any concerns or discomfort can be addressed promptly.

If you experience discomfort while wearing aligners, you can use over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Gels or numbing agents can also provide temporary relief from soreness or irritation caused by the aligners rubbing against your cheeks or tongue.

Adjusting to New Aligners

Your Invisalign journey is unique to you. While some patients may not experience any pain, it is common to experience mild discomfort or pressure when starting a new set of aligners. Any discomfort is typically temporary and tends to subside after a few days of wearing the new aligners consistently. 

Strategies to ease discomfort include applying a cold compress or ice pack to the affected area. This will help reduce inflammation and numb the area. Adhering to your treatment schedule is one of the most essential methods. By following your schedule, you are allowing your teeth to fully adjust to the gradual shift and maintain progress. Opting for softer foods during the initial days of wearing new aligners helps to minimize chewing pressure and alleviate discomfort.  

Long-Term Comfort with Invisalign

As you continue your Invisalign treatment, you’ll feel more comfortable with your aligners. With time, any initial discomfort from aligners decreases as your teeth slowly adapt to their positions. With each set of aligners, your mouth gets more used to the treatment process, leading to a more comfortable experience. Towards the end of your treatment journey, any discomfort becomes minimal, allowing you to fully enjoy the benefits of having an aligned smile with confidence.

Patient Experiences and Testimonials

Managing Discomfort Effectively

“Before I began my Invisalign journey, I was worried about discomfort and inconvenience. However, after my visit to Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry, I felt reassured by the caring team’s expertise. The discomfort during my treatment was minimal and manageable. I valued how flexible Invisalign aligners were. Now that I have an aligned smile, I couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out!”

Addressing Common Misconceptions

There are some misunderstandings regarding the pain and discomfort associated with undergoing Invisalign treatment. One prevalent misconception about Invisalign is the belief that it causes pain. In reality, Invisalign is crafted to prioritize comfort, as many patients have reported experiencing discomfort during their treatment process. Unlike braces, Invisalign aligners are designed to be smooth and gentle on the mouth, greatly reducing the chances of irritation or soreness.

It’s crucial to understand that any initial discomfort felt while using Invisalign is temporary and can be managed, typically easing as the mouth becomes accustomed to wearing the aligners. By dispelling this myth, we can emphasize the comfort and convenience of using Invisalign empowering individuals to pursue their desired smile effortlessly.

Choose Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry for Your Invisalign Journey!

At Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer personalized, quality care to help you achieve your ideal smile. Selecting Invisalign provides a comfortable orthodontic experience prioritizing your long-term dental health and aesthetics over temporary discomfort.

With our team of experts and cutting-edge technology, you can rely on us to support you throughout your Invisalign treatment journey—from your initial consultation to achieving your desired results. Don’t allow misunderstandings about Invisalign discomfort hinder you from attaining the smile you deserve. Reach out at (212)581-1091 to schedule an appointment with Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry today and embark on the journey toward a straighter smile! 



Braces vs Invisalign: Choosing the Right Orthodontic Treatment 

Orthodontic Treatment Options Orthodontic treatment options have significantly evolved over the years, offering individuals a variety of choices to achieve a straighter, healthier smile.  Each option presents unique advantages and considerations, from traditional braces to more modern alternatives like Invisalign. Invisalign is known for its discreet appearance and convenience. Invisalign stands out as a leading […]

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Braces vs Invisalign: Choosing the Right Orthodontic Treatment 

Braces vs Invisalign: Choosing the Right Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic Treatment Options

Orthodontic treatment options have significantly evolved over the years, offering individuals a variety of choices to achieve a straighter, healthier smile. 

Each option presents unique advantages and considerations, from traditional braces to more modern alternatives like Invisalign. Invisalign is known for its discreet appearance and convenience. Invisalign stands out as a leading choice for those who are seeking orthodontic correction. However, the importance of selecting the right treatment extends beyond mere aesthetics; it encompasses factors such as comfort, effectiveness, and lifestyle compatibility. 

Choosing The Right Orthodontic Treatment

While various treatment options do exist, it is important for the patient to choose the treatment option that aligns most closely with what they place as a priority in terms of achieving a straighter, healthier smile. For example, a patient who is aiming for the quickest, most effective results may place Invisalign as their preferred treatment option because it offers a straightforward and effective process to achieve a brand-new, beautiful smile.

Traditional Braces: Pros and Cons

Traditional braces offer both advantages and disadvantages in orthodontic treatment. On the positive side, they are highly effective in correcting various orthodontic issues, providing precise control over tooth movement. However, they have drawbacks such as aesthetic concerns, discomfort, and maintenance requirements.

Traditional Braces: Explained

Traditional braces consist of brackets, wires, and bands that are affixed to the teeth. These components work together to gradually shift the teeth into their desired positions over time. While metal braces are the most common, there are also ceramic options available for those seeking a less conspicuous appearance.

Traditional Braces: Effectiveness

Despite their drawbacks, traditional braces have several advantages, particularly for addressing complex orthodontic cases. They are capable of correcting a wide range of issues including overcrowding, misaligned bites, and gaps between teeth. Their ability to provide precise control over tooth movement makes them an effective option for achieving optimal results in challenging cases.

Traditional Braces: Disadvantages and Drawbacks

However, traditional braces also present various challenges and disadvantages. These include aesthetic concerns due to their conspicuous appearance, discomfort, and oral irritation during the adjustment period and the need for meticulous oral hygiene to prevent issues such as tooth decay and gum disease. Additionally, patients must adhere to dietary restrictions to avoid damaging the braces and prolonging treatment duration. Despite these challenges, many individuals find that the benefits of traditional braces outweigh the inconveniences, leading to successful orthodontic outcomes.

Invisalign Clear Aligners: Benefits and Considerations

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign clear aligners have gained popularity as an alternative to traditional braces due to their discreet appearance and removable design. Understanding their advantages and considerations is crucial for individuals considering orthodontic treatment with Invisalign.

Advantages of Invisalign Clear Aligners:

  • Discreet Appearance: Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, making them aesthetically pleasing and suitable for individuals who prefer a more subtle orthodontic treatment option.
  • Removable Design: Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing patients to eat, drink, brush, and floss without restrictions. This feature enhances convenience and oral hygiene maintenance during treatment.
  • Comfortable: Invisalign aligners are custom-made from smooth, BPA-free plastic, reducing the likelihood of oral irritation and discomfort associated with metal braces.
  • Predictable Treatment: Invisalign treatment utilizes advanced computer imaging technology to plan and visualize the entire treatment process. Patients can see the projected outcome before starting treatment, providing confidence and reassurance.
  • Fewer Office Visits: Invisalign treatment typically requires fewer in-office appointments compared to traditional braces, as no adjustments or wire changes are necessary. This convenience appeals to individuals with busy lifestyles.

Considerations for Invisalign Treatment:

  • Compliance: Successful Invisalign treatment depends on patient compliance with wearing the aligners for the recommended duration each day, typically 20 to 22 hours. Patients must be committed to wearing their aligners consistently to achieve optimal results.
  • Speech Impediments: Some individuals may experience temporary changes in speech patterns when first wearing Invisalign aligners, particularly during the initial adjustment period. However, speech typically improves as the mouth adjusts to the aligners.
  • Cost: Invisalign treatment may be more expensive than traditional braces, depending on the complexity of the case and the provider’s fees. Patients should consider their budget and explore financing options or insurance coverage.
  • Maintenance: Proper maintenance of Invisalign aligners is essential to prevent discoloration, odors, and bacterial buildup. Aligners should be cleaned regularly as instructed by the orthodontist to ensure optimal hygiene and clarity.
  • Treatment Limitations: While Invisalign can effectively treat many orthodontic issues, it may not be suitable for severe or complex cases. Patients with significant bite discrepancies or tooth rotation may require alternative treatment options.


In conclusion, Invisalign clear aligners offer numerous advantages, including discreet appearance, comfort, and convenience. However, patients must consider factors such as compliance, speech changes, cost, maintenance, and treatment limitations when deciding if Invisalign is the right orthodontic solution for their needs. Consulting with a qualified orthodontist is essential to determine the most suitable treatment plan for achieving desired outcomes.

The Consultation Process

The Consultation Process

The consultation process for orthodontic treatment, whether it be for Invisalign or traditional braces, typically begins with an initial appointment with an orthodontist. During this consultation, the orthodontist will conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient’s teeth, gums, and jaws, often including X-rays, photographs, and dental impressions. 

This evaluation helps the orthodontist understand the patient’s specific orthodontic needs, such as misalignment, crowding, or bite issues. From these findings, the orthodontist is able to decipher which treatment method would be best for the patient. The chosen treatment option will then be tailored to the patient’s individual needs and preferences, explaining the advantages and considerations of both Invisalign and traditional braces.

They may also provide information on treatment duration, expected outcomes, and costs. Patients are encouraged to ask questions and express any concerns they may have during this consultation process. Ultimately, the goal of the consultation is to ensure that the patient is well informed and comfortable with their chosen orthodontic treatment plan before proceeding further.

Success Stories and Patient Experiences

    Invisalign Testimonial: Jason M.

“I opted for Invisalign treatment to address my mild crowding and spacing issues, and it exceeded my expectations. Initially, I was drawn to Invisalign for how inconspicuous the Invisalign trays were. I didn’t want anyone to notice I had braces as an adult. I liked that you could hardly tell, yet, my teeth were getting straighter and straighter by the week. Throughout the treatment process, I appreciated the convenience of being able to remove the aligners for eating, brushing, and special occasions. Although there were moments of adjustment, such as speech changes and getting used to wearing the aligners consistently, the overall experience was positive. As each set of aligners gradually shifted my teeth into alignment, I could see the progress firsthand. Now that I have completed treatment, I am thrilled with the results. I highly recommend Invisalign.”

    Traditional Braces Testimonial: Theresa F.

“I had braces for two years, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. Before braces, my teeth were crowded, and I had an overbite that made me self-conscious about my smile. While the treatment journey had its challenges, such as discomfort after adjustments and dietary restrictions, the transformation was worth it. My advice to anyone considering braces is to stay committed to the process. As long as you don’t mind the looks of them, the end result is truly life-changing!”

In Conclusion

In conclusion, both braces and Invisalign offer effective solutions for straightening teeth and achieving a confident smile. While braces provide precise control over tooth movement and are suitable for addressing a wide range of orthodontic issues, they may be more conspicuous and require maintenance throughout the treatment process. 

On the other hand, Invisalign clear aligners offer a discreet appearance, comfort, and convenience with their removable design, making them particularly appealing to individuals seeking a more flexible orthodontic option. However, Invisalign may be more suitable for mild to moderate cases, while braces remain a reliable choice for complex orthodontic issues. 

Ultimately, the decision between braces and Invisalign depends on factors such as treatment goals, aesthetic preferences, and individual needs.

Consult with Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry, and we will get you started on the road to a straight, beautiful, and confident smile! Call (212) 581-1091 today! 



Can Invisalign Correct Overbite? A Comprehensive Guide

  Did you know that overbites are a common dental issue affecting many Americans? According to statistics collected from the American Dental Association, approximately 70% of children display signs of an overbite. While many overbites are predominantly hereditary, various factors like irregular growth of primary teeth or prolonged pacifier or thumb sucking can also contribute […]

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Can Invisalign Correct Overbite? A Comprehensive Guide

Can Invisalign Correct Overbite


Did you know that overbites are a common dental issue affecting many Americans? According to statistics collected from the American Dental Association, approximately 70% of children display signs of an overbite. While many overbites are predominantly hereditary, various factors like irregular growth of primary teeth or prolonged pacifier or thumb sucking can also contribute to their development.

From understanding how Invisalign works to determining if it’s the right solution for you, Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry has you covered. Continue reading to discover how Invisalign can correct your overbite and help you achieve the smile you have been dreaming of!


Understanding Overbites

Overbites are a very common dental condition characterized by the upper front teeth protruding beyond the lower front teeth when the jaws are closed. This misalignment can vary in severity and, if left untreated, may lead to dental issues. It can result in an uneven bite pattern and may affect the appearance and functionality of the teeth. Understanding the different types of overbites and their differences is essential for determining the most appropriate treatment options.

Types of Overbites: 

  • Vertical Overbite: In a vertical overbite, the upper front teeth significantly overlap the lower front teeth vertically when the jaws are closed. This type of overbite can lead to excessive wear on the lower front teeth and potential jaw pain or discomfort. 
  • Horizontal Overbite: In a horizontal overbite, the upper teeth protrude forward beyond the lower front teeth horizontally. This can create what is referred to as a “bucktooth” appearance and may cause difficulty with biting and chewing. 


Traditional Orthodontic Approaches to Overbites

Traditional Orthodontic Approaches to Overbites

Traditional braces have been a staple in orthodontic treatment for correcting overbites. These braces consist of metal brackets affixed to the teeth, connected by wires that apply gentle pressure to gradually shift the teeth into proper alignment. While effective, traditional braces have certain disadvantages and discomforts associated with their use. 

Traditional metal braces are highly effective in correcting various types of malocclusions, including overbites. Through consistent pressure and adjustments made by the Orthodontist, braces gradually move the teeth into the desired position, achieving improved dental alignment and bite function. 

Challenges and Discomfort Associated with Traditional Methods

While traditional orthodontic approaches, such as metal braces, are effective, they come with their own set of challenges and discomforts that patients may experience throughout the treatment process. These challenges and discomforts include:

  • Aesthetic Concerns: One common concern with metal braces is their visible appearance, which may cause self-consciousness, especially among young teens and adults. 
  • Discomfort and Irritation: Traditional braces’ metal brackets and wires often cause discomfort, irritation, and even mouth sores due to friction against the soft tissues inside the mouth. 
  • Dietary Restistrications: Patients with traditional metal braces must follow certain dietary restrictions to avoid damaging the braces or getting food stuck. Certain foods include popcorn, chewing gum, sticky and hard candy, and many more. 
  • Oral Hygiene Challenges: Proper oral hygiene becomes more challenging with braces, as food particles can easily get trapped and stuck around the brackets and wires, increasing the risk of dental issues such as cavities and gum disease. 


Invisalign: How It Works

Invisalign represents a modern approach to traditional orthodontic treatment, offering a discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional metal braces. At Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry, we utilize advanced dental technology to design and fabricate custom Invisalign clear aligner trays to gradually shift teeth into proper alignment. 

The trademark of Invisalign treatment is its clear aligner trays, which are custom-made using advanced 3D imaging technology. These aligners are made from a smooth, BPA-free plastic material, making them virtually invisible when worn.

The clear aligner trays exert gentle pressure on the teeth, gradually guiding them into proper alignment over a certain amount of time. By following the custom treatment plan and wearing the aligners as directed by your specialist, you can significantly improve your bite alignment and overall smile aesthetics. 


Advantages of Invisalign for Overbite Correction

Invisalign offers several advantages over traditional metal braces when it comes to correcting overbites. Some of the key benefits of Invisalign for overbite include:

Aesthetic Benefits

One of Invisalign’s most significant advantages is its discreet appearance. The clear aligner trays are virtually invisible when worn, allowing you to undergo orthodontic treatment without drawing attention to your smile. This makes Invisalign appealing to individuals concerned about the aesthetic impact of traditional metal braces.

Comfort and Convenience

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are completely discreet and have no metal wires or brackets that can cause irritation or discomfort. Additionally, Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing you to easily eat, drink, brush, and floss. This level of convenience enhances the overall treatment experience and promotes better compliance with orthodontic care. 

Maintenance and Oral Hygiene

Invisalign aligners are completely removable, making it easy to brush and floss normally without worrying about any metal wires or brackets being in the way. This reduces the risk of plaque buildup and improves oral health throughout the treatment process.  


Assessing Overbites with Invisalign

During the initial consultation, our experienced specialists will perform a comprehensive assessment of your dental health, including the severity of your overbite. We utilize advanced digital imaging technology to create precise 3D models of your teeth, allowing us to diagnose your orthodontic issues accurately and develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. 

At Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry, we understand that every patient is different, which is why we take a personalized approach to Invisalign treatment. Your custom treatment plan will outline the specific steps involved in correcting your overbite, including the duration of treatment and the number of aligner trays needed to achieve optimal results. 


Invisalign Success Stories

This is one of our Invisalign patients who sought treatment for their overbite

This is one of our Invisalign patients who sought treatment for their overbite. Despite initial reservations, they chose Invisalign to correct their overbite, and with the dedication and support of our Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry team, they achieved remarkable results. Today our patient enjoys newfound confidence and a transformed smile, showcasing Invisalign’s effectiveness and life-changing benefits.


Potential Challenges and Considerations

Compliance and Wear-Time

It is essential for Invisalign patients to maintain consistent wear-time for their aligners for successful and effective results. Patients should commit to wearing their aligners for at least 20-22 hours per day, removing them only for eating, drinking, and oral hygiene routines. 

Adjusting to New Aligners

Transitioning to a new set of aligners may initially cause discomfort or pressure as the teeth adjust to the new positions. However, most patients adapt to the sensation over time, knowing that it signifies progress toward their desired smile. 

Managing Expectations

At Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry, we understand that every patient is unique, which is why it is essential for patients to maintain realistic expectations throughout their treatment journey. Some cases may require additional time or adjunctive procedures for optimal outcomes. Open communication with our team of experienced specialists and understanding the treatment timeline can help manage expectations and ensure satisfaction with the final results. 


Frequently Asked Questions 

Can Invisalign treat severe overbites?

Yes, Invisalign is an effective treatment option for any severity of overbites. In severe cases, our process involves wearing elastics with the aligners. These elastics are similar to those used in traditional braces, and they gradually move the bottom teeth forward while moving the upper teeth back, correcting the overbite. 

Is Invisalign suitable for all age groups?

Yes, Invisalign is suitable for both adults and teenagers. Invisalign treatment offers a discreet and convenient orthodontic treatment option, making it an appealing choice for individuals who prefer a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional metal braces. 

What is the duration of treatment for an overbite correction with clear aligners?

The treatment duration of Invisalign treatment for overbite correction varies depending on the severity of the overbite and the individual’s treatment goals. On average, treatment for an overbite correction with Invisalign may take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. However, the specific timeline will be determined during the initial consultation and may vary for each patient. 

Choosing Invisalign For Overbite Correction

At Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry, we are committed to providing exceptional care and personalized treatment options for overbite correction. Our consultation process begins with a warm welcome from our friendly staff, followed by a thorough assessment by our experienced dental professionals. Our team works with you throughout your treatment process to ensure a smooth, understanding, and effective treatment. With convenient locations in Midtown Manhattan and Chelsea, we strive to make dental care accessible to all!

Invisalign offers a range of benefits that make it the best choice for overbite correction. Its invisible appearance and comfortable fit make it appealing to patients of all ages. With custom treatment plans tailored to each individual’s needs, Invisalign effectively addresses overbites while providing the flexibility and convenience of removable aligners. Trust Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry to guide you through your Invisalign journey and achieve the straight, healthy smile you deserve, 



Choose Invisalign

Are you unhappy or uncomfortable with the way your teeth look? Does having crooked teeth keep you from being confident, keep you from smiling, or freely talking to others? Having crooked, uneven, or misaligned teeth can lead many into shame or embarrassment whenever they open their mouth. However, embarrassment does not have to be what you face each time you smile.

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Choose Invisalign

Are you unhappy or uncomfortable with the way your teeth look? Does having crooked teeth keep you from being confident, keep you from smiling, or freely talking to others? Having crooked, uneven, or misaligned teeth can lead many into shame or embarrassment whenever they open their mouth. However, embarrassment does not have to be what you face each time you smile. There are many procedures to help straighten teeth to perfection. One teeth-straightening process that has taken great strides to help many around the world, is Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a kind of orthodontic treatment that helps to straighten teeth without the use of braces. This procedure has grown in popularity for many reasons. Invisalign does not involve the discomfort of metal being placed in the mouth, nor does it involve the discomfort of having it in the mouth for the entirety of the braces process. Invisalign is clear, completely doing away with the unsightliness of metal braces. Some people also look at Invisalign as a popular option because the trays are easy to insert and remove. With this option, the road to a beautiful smile is made enjoyable and appealing. 

What are You Unhappy With?

There are many things that bring unhappiness when it comes to your teeth. For some, misaligned teeth are just the beginning of a long dental battle. Having crooked teeth, which are seen in children and adults, bring many reasons as to why they grow in misaligned. Baby teeth have been known to grow in crooked because they are too small to fill the amount of gum space. However, having crooked teeth as a baby does not mean your child will grow to have permanent crooked teeth. If a baby has crowded teeth, however, there is a chance that their permanent teeth will be crowded as well. Many children also have misaligned teeth because of prolonged habits, like thumbsucking or the ongoing use of a pacifier. Other reasons for having misaligned teeth include:

      Heredity and Genetics – Many people with crooked teeth have inherited them from others in their family. This trait may be something that has always been in their genes, leaving many children with the strong possibility of having crooked teeth as well.

      Trauma – If a person encounters trauma to the mouth by being hit or tooth decay happens to make a tooth fall out or crack, the permanent teeth that follow may grow slanted.

      Jaw Size – Scientists have studied over the years, that our evolved jaw may be another reason why a person’s teeth grow in crowded or crooked.

      Malocclusion – This alignment problem can lead to serious health complications, causing an under-bite, overbite, or open bite. With these issues, the teeth are unable to perform vital functions.

      Poor Dental Care – Not having your teeth checked annually by a dental professional can not only lead to gum disease and cavities but also misaligned or crooked teeth.

      Poor Nutrition – Children can especially have poor nutrition, which can lead to tooth decay and poor dental development. These issues are potential precursors for teeth to grow in crookedly.

Gap Teeth – Another problem that some people encounter with unhappiness in their teeth, are gap teeth. This is a common reason for many to be unhappy with their smile. Also, referred to as spacing issues, gapped teeth refers to instances in which a person has extra space between at least one of two of their teeth. Diastema, a medical term for gapped teeth, applies to both small and large gaps. However, these spaces can be treated with veneers or bonding. Invisalign is also a popular treatment for filling gap teeth. Some of the reasons that people have gapped teeth include gum disease, thumb sucking, the use of a pacifier, having unusually small teeth or a large frenulum, tongue thrusting, and missing teeth. There are options to fix teeth that bring worry to those who wish for their teeth to look better. While many may look at braces and veneers as a suitable option, Invisalign is the more comfortable and reliable way to go.

In some cases, crooked teeth do not pose any health risk. Similarly, crooked teeth are not frowned upon by everyone. For many, the decision to seek methods of teeth straightening is a personal preference. Whether there is a lack of funds, health issues, or self-consciousness, that keep people from getting their teeth straightened, any decision made should be one that is right for you.

Why Choose Invisalign Over Other Teeth Straightening Options?

Over the years, dental care has come a long way from the earlier procedures that people would have to endure in order to have the perfect smile and aligned teeth they wanted. However, since the beginning years of old school dentistry, newer techniques have come along and brought a more satisfying and a less painful way of achieving successful dental care. Invisalign aligners have proven to be a good and painless way to have the perfect, straight and healthy teeth you’ve dreamed of. Although we have experience and evidence to back up our recommendation for Invisalign and its benefits, our team here at Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry believes it is important for our patients to know every option that is available to them. These options include:

      Lingual Braces –  These braces are completely hidden behind the teeth and there are custom made brackets and wires that are attached to the back of each tooth. Lingual braces are uncomfortable with the requirement of a long transition period. Once the decision is made to get lingual braces, the patient can’t eat crunchy foods and may speak with a lisp. The tongue will also rub against the brackets and wires with the possibility of becoming irritated. Overall, adjusting to these braces can be a challenge.

  Invisalign – Unlike lingual braces, Invisalign provides the patient with a custom fit. In addition, Invisalign can be taken out and put back in whenever a patient wants. There is less of a worry without the wires and brackets to hold it in. Lastly, there are no rules when it comes to what foods a patient can eat. Any food can be eaten once the Invisalign trays have been removed. Once the teeth are thoroughly brushed, the patient inserts the Invisalign right back in. 

      Veneers and Lumineers – These thin and porcelain shells are applied to the surface of the teeth. Once the dentists apply the veneers, they will shave down and reshape the natural tooth in order to achieve a natural appearance. However, Lumineers are thin enough to where the natural tooth does not have to be shaved down to achieve having a perfect smile. If a decision is made between the two, it is important to know that neither one of these options will fix bite issues or severe misalignment issues, but they can help with small gaps and minor misalignment problems.

  Invisalign – While veneers may involve the natural tooth being shaved down, this will never be a worry with Invisalign.

      Traditional Metal Braces – If a decision is made to get traditional braces, then the person receiving them will have stainless steel brackets attached to the teeth and metal wires connecting the brackets together. While having a mouth full of metal may not sound glamorous, metal braces are known to fix severe alignment issues and are usually the most inexpensive option to go with. However, they are very visible and can lead to irritating the mouth.

  Invisalign – Using Invisalign does not involve using uncomfortable metal or brackets and it can be taken out and re-inserted at any time.

      Snap-On Smile – This removable appliance is snapped on top of the natural teeth, creating a flawless smile. This solution can be either temporary or permanent and is not as expensive or invasive as other straightening treatments. This device will be one that is custom fit for comfort, but sticky foods will have to be avoided and you may find that the first few weeks after getting them, may affect your speech. Using this device, however, does not fix the underlying issue, but it does provide an effective cover-up.

  Invisalign – With Invisalign, worrying about how speech is affected will not be a problem and eating certain foods will not be a worry.

      Damon Braces – These braces include self-ligating brackets, using a slide mechanism instead of elastic bands to hold the wires in place. While they are less noticeable than traditional brackets, and the treatment time may be shorter, but this can also be a more expensive option.

  Invisalign – Using this option does not require brackets or wires. There will also never be a worry about holding it in place.

      Short-Term Treatment- Also known as Six Month Smiles, this ideal option is for those who want the cosmetic straightening benefits, but are not in need of the complex bite corrections. Shorter treatment time and lower cost compared to other options would be why many choose this as a solution to fixing their teeth.

  Invisalign – There is nothing cosmetic to worry about with Invisalign.

      Ceramic Braces – Less obvious than metal braces, making a decision to get ceramic braces means having more bulkiness than the traditional metal braces as well as paying more for them. Choosing this option for the perfect smile also means clear brackets that are tooth-colored.

  Invisalign – Bulkiness or brackets and wiring is never a problem with Invisalign.

What to Expect at an Invisalign Consultation:

Once you decide to get your teeth straightened and choose Invisalign as the option, you will have to meet with your dentist to see if this is the right choice for you. With this consultation, your dentist will go through a process of helping to determine if you are the right candidate for Invisalign. This process includes:

      Asking Questions – During your consultation, your dental professional will ask questions about your medical history, dental history, if you breathe through your mouth, and if you grind your teeth. These questions are asked to help them understand your general oral health and orthodontics better.

      Photos – The dentist will proceed to take pictures of your face, mouth, and teeth as part of the consultation. There will be X-rays taken as well so that they can understand the tooth and facial structure. Examining the photos will also help them come up with a treatment plan. This will ensure that Invisalign will be able to meet your orthodontic needs.

     A Discussion about Invisalign – After your doctor has come up with a step-by-step treatment plan for you, they will cover everything you need to know about the Invisalign treatment, including daily mouth hygiene and the wearing of aligners. The dentist will answer any questions you may have about the treatment. Another topic that will be covered in this consultation is the price. Depending on the orthodontist, you may be able to discuss a payment plan with them. After the consultation, you will be given plenty of time to think about if you want to move forward with the treatment. 

Finding the right plan to straighten your teeth may be a challenge once you begin your research. We understand. Our hope is that this blog helped to cut through the noise and come to know the most effective option when it comes to straightening your teeth and perfecting your smile. Once you choose Invisalign, you will quickly and inconspicuously be on your way to the smile of your dreams. Book your Invisalign consultation, today! Call (212)581-1091. 


What To Expect During Your First Few Weeks With Invisalign.

Having an unsightly smile can affect your everyday life and self-confidence. The last thing you would want is to have visible metal to make your smile even more noticeable. With Invisalign, that is the last of your worries. Invisalign is the “clear” alternative to metal braces that will straighten your smile!

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What To Expect During Your First Few Weeks With Invisalign.


Having an unsightly smile can affect your everyday life and self-confidence. The last thing you would want is to have visible metal to make your smile even more noticeable. With Invisalign, that is the last of your worries. Invisalign is the “clear” alternative to metal braces that will straighten your smile! It is important to follow the set instructions and guidelines given by our dental professionals in order for the treatment to be effective.

Your First Aligners Have Arrived

Your first aligners have arrived and it is time to start your Invisalign process. The Invisalign trays work by forcing your teeth to shift to begin straightening them out. It is normal to experience slight pain or discomfort during your first few days as your teeth begin to shift. The good news is that the pain and discomfort subside as you get used to your teeth shifting.

To help ease or reduce the pain, it is advised to practice biting and chewing exercises. These exercises help massage your gums and stimulate blood flow to your mouth, which is a natural pain reliever. Chewing exercises also help to secure your Invisalign trays by creating a tight fit for maximum tooth movement.

Inserting and Removing Invisalign Trays

Believe it or not, there is an actual proper way to insert and remove your Invisalign trays. Inserting and removing your new trays may be challenging at first. First, you’ll want to make sure you have to correct aligners for your upper and lower arches. When inserting, you will begin by pushing the tray on your front-most teeth and then apply the same pressure to your back teeth. It is important to never bite your tray into place.

When removing your trays, you must start on the side of your mouth using your fingertips on the inside of your molars to gently remove the tray from your tooth. Repeat on the other side of your mouth and once the tray is removed from your molars you can gently remove it from your mouth.  

Will My Aligners Affect My Speech?

In order for Invisalign to work properly, you must wear your trays every day for at least 20 hours a day. When using your new Invisalign trays for the first time, it will take time to adjust to your new trays and you may notice a slight change in your speech. That is nothing to worry about, a slight change in speech is completely normal and will take a little bit of practice to get used to.

How Will I Eat With Invisalign?

Unlike metal braces, with Invisalign, you can enjoy all the foods you like to eat. Your aligners are extremely durable, however, they are not indestructible. You must remove your trays when eating or drinking anything but water. Hard chewing and biting can break or crack your Invisalign trays. In addition to removing your trays before eating or drinking, it is important to brush and floss your teeth before re-inserting your trays to prevent any food particles from getting trapped.

Schedule Your Invisalign Consultation at Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry!

If you are looking to straighten your smile, consult with one of our elite specialists here at Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry. Our specialists perform a full range of cosmetic and restorative dental procedures. We are proud to ensure the best possible treatment plans to our patients to provide a healthier smile at prices they can afford. For more information about Invisalign, call (212) 581-1091.


Can You Get An Allergic Reaction Wearing Invisalign™?

A popular method for straightening teeth is with the “invisible” alternative to traditional braces known as Invisalign™. Although it is very uncommon to experience, there are minor side effects that can occur with Invisalign™. There have been very few cases where patient’s experience an allergic reaction to their Invisalign™ aligners.

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Can You Get An Allergic Reaction Wearing Invisalign™?

A popular method for straightening teeth is with the “invisible” alternative to traditional braces known as Invisalign™. Although it is very uncommon to experience, there are minor side effects that can occur with Invisalign™. There have been very few cases where patient’s experience an allergic reaction to their Invisalign™ aligners.

If you experience an itching sensation inside of your mouth or notice any swelling of the gums prior to starting the Invisalign™ treatment, you may be experiencing an allergic reaction. Here is everything you need to know about allergic reactions to Invisalign™:

Can I Get An Allergic Reaction From Invisalign™?

Although it rarely happens, there are instances where people do have an allergic reaction to their Invisalign™ aligners. Allergic reactions occur in patients with a susceptibility for sensitivity to plastic. Since the allergic reactions to Invisalign™ aligners are uncommon, it is very unlikely that you will experience any complications with the Invisalign™ treatment process.

However, if you know you have an allergy to plastic, it is important to advice your dentist before moving forward with the process. An allergic reaction to Invisalign™ can cause mild or, in the rarest of cases, severe symptoms. Mild symptoms include an itching sensation on the gum line and other soft tissue of the mouth including the tongue, roof of the mouth, or inner cheeks. Severe symptoms include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Burning sensation in the mouth
  • Swelling of the tongue and gums


If you are experiencing any type of symptoms, be sure to visit your dentist to discuss them and your options.   

What Are The Triggers?

What triggers the allergic reactions to Invisalign™ is the plastic that is used to fabricate the aligners. Essentially, what occurs is the plastic in the mouth irritates the soft tissue and in turn,  affects the production of saliva. Insufficient amount of saliva in the mouth leads to an increased sensitivity of the soft tissues of the mouth, including the gums, tongue and inner cheeks.

How To Determine If You Have An Allergy To Invisalign™?

If you suspect you have an allergy to the Invisalign™ aligners, the first step is to contact your dentist to discuss the symptoms. Although removing the aligners will affect the progression of the treatment, it can help determine if you do or do not have an allergy to the plastic. If you remove the aligners and notice the symptoms are no longer present, this will confirm that you are allergic to the plastic material.   

Another method to determine if you have an allergy is removing a part of the plastic from the aligner and place it on your arm. Utilize a piece of tape to keep the material in place for a few days to determine if any changes or reactions occur to the skin. Allergy testing is another effective method in determining an allergy to plastic.

How To Prevent Allergic Reactions From Occuring?

To minimize the symptoms of your Invisalign™ allergy, drink cold water frequently to keep your  mouth clean. This will also help replace the absence of saliva in your mouth. Another recommendation is visiting the dentist regularly. Dental cleanings every three months will help reduce any irritation and also help with the production of saliva.  

Invisalign™ Treatment At Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry

Here at Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry we pride ourselves in perfecting smiles, and more importantly ensuring a comfortable and effective treatment. Our Invisalign™ alignment treatment  provides patients with a straighter smile, without the inconveniences of metal braces. If you have Invisalign™ and notice a difference in your gums or an irritation in your mouth, contact our office. Our specialists will evaluate the symptoms and determine the optimal solution.

To schedule your consultation or for more information about our Invisalign™ treatment, call (212) 581-1091.


Candid Co. vs. Invisalign

A trusted option that you have probably heard of before is Invisalign. Invisalign treatment is completed in-office where a specialist will be able to guide and assist you through every step of the treatment. Candid Co. however, is a completely virtual option that is done in the comfort of your own home.

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Candid Co. vs. Invisalign

If you’re unhappy about your crooked or misaligned teeth, you have probably done a lot of  research for possible solutions and have realized that there are several options to choose from.  Now with advancements in dental and orthodontic technology you don’t have to worry about the hassle and discomfort of metal braces. Clear aligners offer a convenient choice for patients.

A trusted option that you have probably heard of before is Invisalign. Invisalign treatment is completed in-office where a specialist will be able to guide and assist you through every step of the treatment. Candid Co. however, is a completely virtual option that is done in the comfort of your own home. This option is more dependent you completing the work yourself, such as creating the impressions of your teeth. Many questions or complications may arise with Candid Co. since the process is done completely on your own.

Clear aligners, also known as “invisible braces,” are custom made to fit your teeth and are designed to be nearly unnoticeable. To better understand how aligner therapy can benefit your smile, it is best to understand the differences and benefits of different options. Here is an overview of Candid Co. and Invisalign.  

How Does Invisalign Work

Invisalign is the perfect solution for multiple dental issues, such as overbite, underbite, overcrowded, or gapped teeth. Advanced technology and 3D imaging is used to design individual trays that fit your teeth perfectly. In order to straighten your teeth, slight pressure is applied that gradually and gently realign your teeth back into position. The clear aligners not only straighten you smile, they are comfortable and removable, making them more aesthetically pleasing compared to traditional metal braces.

Throughout the course of your treatment, you will be given several aligners. The aligners are to be changed every two weeks. Each aligner will make gradual changes to your teeth’s positioning. This process is mapped out prior to starting your treatment by the specialist so you are able to see the end results before you even begin!

How Does Candid Co. Work

Candid Co. requires no dental visit; it is strictly done virtually. To get started, you will be sent a modeling kit that will provide you with the proper materials to make impressions of your teeth. Your impressions are then sent to Candid Co. where an assigned orthodontists will review them and map out a treatment plan. The aligners are made of made of a BPA-free and phthalate-free plastic called Zendura.

Because the Candid Co. process is completely virtual, the impressions made at home will not be as precise as they would be done in a dental office. However, if your case is too severe to be done virtually, Candid Co. will refer you to a network of orthodontists and refund you for the modeling kit.

What Are The Key Differences Between Candid Co. and Invisalign?

Invisalign and Candid Co. aligners are both designed to do one thing, and that is straighten or resolve any dental issues. However, there are key differences that make Invisalign the most effective option. Those differences are:

  • Look and feel. Invisalign utilizes their own patented smart track material to make their clear aligners. This material makes the trays more comfortable and less visible, a major advantage compared to Candid Co., which uses a slightly thicker plastic for their trays.
  • Precision. Because the impressions for Candid Co. are completely reliable on you to complete at home, they will not be as precise as they would be if done professionally like with Invisalign. The precision of the impressions is vital for the manufacturing of the trays.

Smile Direct Club Vs. Invisalign

With so many clear aligner options out there, we understand it can be overwhelming deciding which is best for you. We have another informative article stating the key differences between another popular choice, Smile Direct Club and Invisalign. Smile Direct Club is also strictly virtual. Impressions are made in the comfort of your own home and sent directly to the Smile Direct Club labs, where their orthodontic professionals will evaluate and create your treatment plan. With Invisalign your specialist is with you every step of the way; able to answer any questions or fix any complications that may arise.

Invisalign At Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry!

If you are unhappy about your smile, Invisalign is the answer! Here at Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer Invisalign treatment that will transform your smile. Our specialists create a computer-generated virtual treatment plan that will provide you with a step-by-step process and your final results before your begin the treatment. We also have an Invisalign option for teens, that will provide them with the confident smile they deserve.

If you are looking to correct your unsightly smile, Invisalign is the “clear” choice for you! Schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our specialists and receive all the information you need, by calling (212) 581-1091.


ClearCorrect Vs. Invisalign

There are several options to choose from when it comes to clear aligners. The most popular and well-known option is Invisalign treatment. Invisalign is overseen by a dentist and you get the one-on-one, hands on guidance throughout your entire treatment process. Another option is ClearCorrect, which is a take home solution.

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ClearCorrect Vs. Invisalign

Many people want a straighter smile but don’t want the unsightly metal braces and the hassle and discomfort that comes with it. Now, with clear aligner therapy you don’t have to worry about that! Clear aligners are custom made trays that fit your teeth perfectly and are nearly invisible.  

There are several options to choose from when it comes to clear aligners. The most popular and well-known option is Invisalign treatment. Invisalign is overseen by a dentist and you get the one-on-one, hands on guidance throughout your entire treatment process. Another option is ClearCorrect, which is a take home solution. With ClearCorrect, it is more of a “do-it-yourself” option which gives you a lot of responsibility and may give patients a lot of uncertainty and unanswered questions during their treatment process.

Here at Rockefeller and Cosmetic Dentistry, we over several cosmetic dentistry services that can not only straighten your teeth, but enhance your smile as well. Aligners are used to treat conditions such as :

  • Crowded teeth
  • Gaps
  • Cross bite
  • Deep bite

To better understand your options when it comes to clear aligners, let’s see the key differences and benefits between two popular options, ClearCorrect and Invisalign.

How ClearCorrect Aligners Works

ClearCorrect has been in business in the United States for 8 years now. Unlike Invisalign, ClearCorrect offers three different options to address your specific case, which include:

  • Limited 6. This option works to treat the full arch and provides you with only 6 sets of aligners. It is best for minor adjustments.
  • Limited 12. This option provides you with a wider range of treatment with 12 sets of aligners. 
  • Unlimited. With this option the specialist is allowed to work with as many sets of aligners needed to adjust the teeth.

Choosing the correct option will be recommended by your specialist who will be evaluating your specific case. ClearCorrect aligners are made of a specialized, durable material called Zendura. It is specially designed for optimum stress retention, which means the aligners are able to withstand any biting pressure.

How Invisalign Works

Invisalign requires a more personable, one-on-one experience with a specialist. With Invisalign, a consultation is required where the specialist will examine your teeth and decide if you are a good candidate. The aligners are custom made for your teeth using 3D imaging technology that allows specialists to fully evaluate the severity of your case. Several trays will be given to switch and adjust the trays in the comfort of your own home, rather than having to visit the dentist every few weeks.

They are designed to be worn every 20-22 hours. The duration of the treatment will vary depending on the individual circumstances, however, it relatively straightens teeth in 9 to 12 months. Although the aligners alone are sufficient enough to correct misalignments, some treatment plans may require an attached “button” to the teeth. This raised button provides them more traction.

What Is the Difference Between ClearCorrect and Invisalign?

Although they both are comparable on results, there are some key differences that make one more favorable than the other. Key differences include:

  • Comfort. ClearCorrect currently uses the same plastic material that Invisalign used to use, which works well. However, Invisalign now uses its own patented smart track material for their aligners. Many patients have found that this material is much more comfortable in their mouth and the trays are less noticeable. 
  • Company experience and expertise. Invisalign has been in business since at least 1997. They have had many years to research improvements, perfect their products, and build a strong database of successful case studies. Clear correct only came about 10 years after Invisalign, which gives Invisalign the advantage of experience and expertise. 
  • Cost. The flexibility of ClearCorrect treatment option makes them more attractive to patients because it does represent a more affordable option compared to Invisalign. However, most patients are unaware of what their insurance carriers can cover for orthodontic treatment, especially if it is medically necessary. If this is the case, cost may not be a big factor.

Invisalign vs Smile Direct Club

We also have another informative article to educate you on other clear aligner options. Smile Direct Club is another popular option that is comparable to Invisalign. Like ClearCorrect, Smile Direct Club is strictly virtual. A distinct difference between Smile Direct Club and Invisalign is the creation and delivery of the treatment plan. Your entire treatment is planned online with Smile Direct Club rather than with a physical doctor or office visits, therefore, the impressions will not be as precise compared to in-office professional impressions.

Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry And Invisalign – We Can Help!

Say goodbye to your unsightly smile and hello to new and improved confident smile! Here at Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer Invisalign treatment that can resolve all of your worries. We use state-of-the-art 3D scanners and advanced technology to print a map of your teeth. We take images from present to future, so you are able to see how your teeth will change every step of the way and have an understanding of what your teeth will eventually look like. We also offer Invisalign for teens to give them the confidence they need for their social life and overall quality of life.

If you are looking to transform your smile with Invisalign treatment, call Rockefeller cosmetic dentistry at (212) 581-1091 and schedule your complimentary consultation.


Invisalign vs. Smile Direct Club: What’s the Difference?

The thought of somehow getting straight teeth without the unsightliness of metal braces was, at one point in time, merely an idea. What would be better than obtaining the perfect smile you have always wanted, in a timely and inconspicuous fashion? Wheels began to turn and strides were taken towards this idea becoming a real product.

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Invisalign vs. Smile Direct Club: What’s the Difference?

With the increasing popularity of Smile Direct Club and the credibility of Invisalign, it has become difficult for patients to make an educated choice between the two teeth straightening treatments. We have decided to provide you with the insight necessary to choosing the best solution for you. Let us set straight the path to setting straight your teeth! 


The thought of somehow getting straight teeth without the unsightliness of metal braces was, at one point in time, merely an idea. What would be better than obtaining the perfect smile you have always wanted, in a timely and inconspicuous fashion? Wheels began to turn and strides were taken towards this idea becoming a real product. In 1997, Align Technology was founded to develop and manufacture the most inconspicuous, effective form of braces. In May of 2000, Invisalign was officially made available to the public.

On the left are standard metal braces. On the right is a clear, effective Invisalign aligner.

Open bite, overbite, underbite, crossbite, overly crowded, gapped teeth — Invisalign is the answer. Made up of a series of invisible aligners that go unnoticed to the public, the patient is able to smile freely throughout the entire treatment process. They are removable, comfortable, and they work hard to straighten your teeth. How exactly does this happen? We’re glad you asked. Each patient who comes into our office to receive Invisalign gets a personal assessment. This assessment consists of taking impressions, which guarantee the utmost effectiveness of your aligners.

How Invisalign Works

Each set of Invisalign aligners are made with 3-D computer imaging technology, and are to be worn for approximately two weeks. The duration of each set, however, will vary from patient to patient. With each set, you will find your teeth slowly, but surely shifting into their optimal position. The tell-tale sign of Invisalign’s success is the change in the aligners fit. At the start of a set, the aligners will typically feel snug. Towards the end of a set, they will feel looser. Though patients will come into the office to make sure everything is going according to schedule, they will know the aligners are working their magic by the end of each set.

3d Imaging process for Invisalign

Lastly, patients are required to remove the aligners only to eat, drink, brush, and floss. The question of how long the Invisalign process lasts is largely decided upon the patient’s specific situation. Typically, total treatment time can average anywhere from 9-15 months. At the end of the Invisalign process, the patient will receive an invisible retainer to maintain their straight teeth and beautiful smile.

These are a depiction of what the clear aligners look like

Since Invisalign has become the leading treatment for straightening teeth, various companies have tried to reproduce the technology and teeth-straightening service. The idea of clear braces was imitated in hopes to provide patients with a similar, more affordable experience to Invisalign. This has made it difficult for the public to make the best choice when it comes to which treatment will be the most effective for their smile. Because of this, we will explain the difference between Invisalign and Smile Direct Club.

Smile Direct Club

Like Invisalign, Smile Direct Club similarly uses clear braces to inconspicuously straighten teeth with a series of aligners. The two major differences between the two are:

  • creation and delivery of treatment plan
  • pricing

Smile Direct Club is strictly virtual. The entire journey is planned by the patient through the computer. The patient does not deal with physical doctors or office visits. Instead, they order each new step through the computer, from impressions to aligners. Compared to Invisalign, the quality of the impression taken at home and sent out to be made can never be as precise as the impression that will be taken in a professional office. Therefore, each aligner will be affected.

This photo is showing how each step in the Smile Direct Club process is done through the computer and shipped to your home.

The argument has been made that the precision of Smile Direct Club will always fall short when compared the the precision that Invisalign offers. Each aligner is made to perfection, and any offsets are corrected upon office visits. Though Smile Direct Club is a cheaper option, the results are not as promising as the results Invisalign will offer.

To schedule the start of your Invisalign experience or any other cosmetic dentistry treatment, call (212)581-1091, today. To schedule your appointment online, simply click here and submit the form attached. Straight teeth and a beautiful smile is just a call or a click away!


Shying Away From A Smile? Let Invisalign Straighten That Out

Invisalign will inconspicuously and actively correct any widely spaced or overcrowded mouths, any misaligned bites, and any out-of-place teeth. What do we mean by inconspicuously and actively? That is just our way of letting you known that Invisalign works hard to give you a perfect smile while going completely undetected.

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Shying Away From A Smile? Let Invisalign Straighten That Out

Why steer clear of smiling in public when you can steer towards clear braces? From avoiding a smile while spending time with friends, to simply lacking the confidence that a perfect smile can provide, we understand your frustration and we are here to make a change. Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry offers the key to straightening out all of your dissatisfaction, and it goes by the name of Invisalign.


Invisalign will inconspicuously and actively correct any widely spaced or overcrowded mouths, any misaligned bites, and any out-of-place teeth. What do we mean by inconspicuously and actively? That is just our way of letting you known that Invisalign works hard to give you a perfect smile while going completely undetected. The clear mold fits nicely over your teeth, blending in and working their magic — so rest assured that you can say goodbye to those unsightly metal notches and rubber bands.


Invisalign is made up of several removable aligners, each of which is individually fabricated for your mouth. Depending on your advised treatment plan, you will be  wearing each aligner for approximately two weeks. After each aligner change, you will watch your teeth progressively gear towards their final, optimum position.

Lastly, you will be happy to know that when you reach the final step and begin to worry about the longevity of your perfect smile, we have an advanced set of retainers specifically designed for you to keep everything looking great. The entire Invisalign process is as transparent as the Invisalign itself.

Worried that you don’t understand how the process works? Feeling a bit skeptical that it may be ‘too good to be true?’ We will create a computer-generated, virtual treatment plan that will let you view the final result prior to the start of treatment!


Are you ready to start your journey towards a beautiful smile and renewed self-confidence? Schedule a consultation for Invisalign NYC by visiting our website or calling Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry today!